Ryanair Luggage Policy 2020: weight, size, cost & how strict in practice?

Small bag in video, RiutBag Crush:
Large cabin bag in video, RiutBag X35:

Don't wait until you get to the airport gate to find out the rules! Whether you're flying with Ryanair for the first time, or you're a frequent flyer who flies on airlines with different rules, book and pack for your flight with confidence with Travelability's Ryanair baggage policy video. You'll also find out my tip for booking your luggage at the best price.

Jump to section:

Which luggage is free on Ryanair? 0:12
Which luggage do you have to pay for? 0:51
What should my carry-on bags weigh? 1:20
What is the maximum size for my two cabin bags? 2:10
How much does the cabin bag cost? 03:39
How strict is the Ryanair luggage policy? 4:50

This is Ryanair's latest luggage policy changed in 2019.

Sarah Giblin, very frequent flyer and RiutBag designer, talks you through the weight limits, size, cost and strictness of Ryanair's new luggage policy. Avoid fines, keep your luggage with you and travel with peace of mind wherever you go.

This is Travelability's first video! Please subscribe and I'll keep them coming :) Good luck and have a great trip!