"If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old." Peter Drucker
Imagine carrying everything in your bag - phone, wallet, keys, laptop, books, clothes, food, tissues, cables, chargers and bottle - in your arms instead. Whoever invented the rucksack combined these into one, shifting them to our back to carry, leaving our arms, hands and front free to take on the journey ahead.
To live together in great numbers means living and learning the rules previous generations dreamt up to make everything work. And coming up with better rules, if we feel they aren’t working anymore.
Before I started making backpacks for travellers, I considered the risks. What change could take place in the world that would bring about the end of the rucksack industry? My mind wandered to teleportation. But then, if teleportation did become part of our reality, perhaps we'd still need something to hold our things together through the portal - in whichever form we go.