Which backpack should I get? Riut's comparison chart 2017

Riut's backpack 2017 comparison chart let's your see easily which backwards backpack is the correct size, capacity, has the right features and fits your budget.

Most of us want a backpack that helps us with the things we have to do every day and for other occasions: commuting through wind and rain, carrying a laptop and documents or just helping us keep all our belongings safe on holiday. RiutBag R10, R15 and R25 are designed to be smart enough for work with a suit, but casual enough to use at the weekend or on holiday.

All RiutBags are backwards - that means they have only zips against your back, so when you wear it you naturally protect the openings. No more zip checking or concern on busy trains and buses. RiutBag let's you actually relax and enjoy your new experiences on holiday, or have time to yourself on your commute without any concern for your belongings.

Now that we've turned the backpack round the Riut way, which one gives you what you need?