Great backer question on problems raised: whole project or timescales impacted for RiutBag?

Dear Kickstarter backers and all interested readers: I’ll be blogging about the real ups and downs of taking an idea from prototype to manufacture. I understand you may feel alarmed at seeing arising problems! But, be assured, I simply want to show you and anyone trying to do this, that problems arise, I will be honest about them, solve them and move on to successful completion. That’s how everything in existence got here – and the RiutBag will manage it too.

I’ll be blogging frequently during the completion of the Kickstarter process. If you have questions, feel free to contact me via the RiutBag Kickstarter campaign:

Here's my most recent update on Kickstarter about problems, solutions and progress on the Kickstarter reward creation:

A backer has asked a great question: it is, are the problems that I've raised likely to affect the project as a whole or are they more likely to impact timescales? Here's my answer for all backers and anyone who benefits from learning about this.


I've just had a great question from a backer about the risks I raised in this update. I want to share my answer with you so that you are all in the loop.

*Beginnings of text from main comments page*

Hi backer

Thanks so much for getting in touch with your kind words and this important question. It helps me to understand with which information my backers need more clarification.

In direct answer to your question: timescales, not the project as a whole, may be affected. Of all the backers, February and March deliveries would be impacted. However, below you'll see the problems that have arisen and my solution to correct them!

Here are the two problems:

1) One material is proving hard to source: the base material for the RiutBag is often available but is currently very difficult to find. This has lost us two weeks in being able to order the materials - I estimate.

2) If the base material sourcing pushes our timescales, getting the RiutBags out of China before Chinese New Year in February becomes a real challenge

Here's what I'm doing to fix this situation and bring the timescales back into line with my plan.

I'm flying out to China on Monday to view the base material available to factory as well as suitable alternatives which are in good supply. With this material choice question solved, we can order the large quantities of all materials, get the final version of the RiutBag made in the final materials and get the February and March RiutBags out to backers - on time!

I'll be able to confirm at the end of next week how the material for the base is going to impact the project. My news may well be positive, so keep an eye out on my which I'll be updating if I can get online in China.

If you have more questions on this or anything else, please keep asking. I hope this is helpful to you and other backers. It's certainly helpful for me to explain and share.

Kind regards


p.s. I'm looking forward to using my RiutBag too! This idea has been on my mind for 2 years on every journey, in every busy market place, in each queue. I'm waiting for it with you guys! And I'm doing everything I can to get it to us all so we can start using them!

p.p.s. I'll share my answer to you hear on my blog and on my update so everyone's in the loop on this.

*End of text from main comments page*