"Spring is a time to find out where you are, who you are, and move toward where you are going." - Penelope Trunk
As the seasons come round again, skills I haven’t used for months are coming back. Servicing my bike, remembering how to dress for warm weather, identifying the season’s birds and blossoming trees, fixing a few things I couldn’t see so well in the dark.
Planning travel for the coming months the question arose: “Who are my emergency contacts?” I’d had the same people written in my passport for many years. Now I realise one has died, and the other lives far away. It’s worth updating - and telling the new ones.
Once summer comes, I’ve found I don't have time to wash and dry my backpack. Use the warmer days in spring to throw your backpack in the washing machine. No detergent, just water, cool wash. Spin dry and lay out to dry. It’ll be like new. (Your trainers can go in too.)